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Life Science-day 2025

This week, Finwire together with our partners, organized the annual event Life Science-dagen – a day filled with interesting company presentations and rewarding meetings between peers.

Thank you to Alzinova AB, BioArctic, Diamyd Medical, Elicera Therapeutics AB, IRLAB Therapeutics AB, Isofol Medical AB, Mabel AI, Mirno OncoZenge AB, PExA AB, Saniona, Sciety, Stayble Therapeutics and VERIGRAFT for participating. Thank you also to everyone who came and watched the event live.

Couldn’t be there but want to watch the presentations afterwards? Head over to lifesciencedagen.se to see the all the presentations on our youtube-channel. You can also register for next year’s event – when Life Science Day celebrates 10 years!

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