Tech update: Get Finwire News via Teams or Slack

Finwire now offers customized news feeds via Teams or Slack. Your team can receive news directly in your chat channel. Either only what you are interested in, e.g. share issues, M&A or IPO. Or you can get our entire news feed with hundreds of news items every day. Please contact if you are interested to […]
Finwire joins TU

Finwire is a new member of TU. TU is the trade association for Sweden’s newspapers and other media companies. Read more about TU here.
Erik Penser signed for fund coverage

Erik Penser Bank has chosen Finwire for unbias transparent coverage of its funds. Finwire Funds is the only news service of its kind serving investors with unbiased reporting from fundmarkets. Link to Erik Penser wealth management Please contact if you are interested to know more about Finwire fund coverage.
Tundra Fonder chooses Finwire

The asset manager Tundra Fonder has chosen Finwire for unbias transparent coverage of its fund Sustainable Frontier. Finwire Funds is the only news service of its kind serving investors with unbiased reporting from fundmarkets Link to Tundra Fonder Sustainable Frontier Please contact if you are interested to know more about Finwire fund coverage.
Coeli Global new client

The asset manager Coeli Global has chosen Finwire for unbias transparent coverage of its fund Coeli Global Selektiv. Finwire Funds is the only news service of its kind serving investors with unbiased reporting from fundmarkets. Link to Coeli Global Selektiv Please contact if you are interested to know more about Finwire fund coverage.